Fundraising and Volunteering


The SLSSC receives funds from the Lions Clubs in order to support our program.  Lions funding plays a very important part in our ability to provide a strong program for our members.

In addition, in order to make the program more affordable, families have the option to raise funds in order to meet part of their financial commitment. Several fundraising opportunities occur throughout the year, like phone book delivery and bingos, and families can pick and choose which ones will work for them.



The Saskatoon Lions Speed Skating Club is made up of more than just skaters! SLSSC includes skaters, coaches, a Board of Directors, and VOLUNTEERS!

The SLSSC is committed to fostering an environment that values people who voluntarily offer their
services in the activities of the club (adopted from Speed Skating Canada Volunteer Policy) and relies heavily on our volunteers. We require 3,000+ volunteer hours each year to successfully manage the programs, competitions, and events that we run.

Volunteering is a rewarding Club requirement. Enthusiastic volunteers ensure the growth and success of our Club. Successful clubs are family oriented. Families earn vounteer credits by helping at the organizational level, on-ice, and by officiating at meets that we host. For more information see our Volunteer Information Document